EnglishMeeting.com Discussion Podcasts

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Discussion Podcast 15: Education

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Perspectives on Education. Is it a right or a privilege? How much is it worth? Why is it so important? Does it go beyond a career? What are we willing to sacrifice for it?

Enjie, Arman, Christy, & Dave address the importance of education with perspectives from El Salvador, Iran, Korea, & America.


  • This podcast was fascinating...!

    Listening to perspectives on Education from Enjie, Christy, Arman and Dave was great...!

    In Peru like in EL Salvador, attending to a private school
    is a privelege.
    I was surprised to hear from Enjie that attending to a public school in El Salvador can be dangerous.

    I loved Dave's question:
    Is education a right or a privilege? and How much is it worth?
    In my opinion, education is a privelege.
    Not a lot of people have the great acces to attend to schools.
    There are some places where schools are not built yet, and kids have to walk a lot to be able to attend school. Therefore, i think we should be thankful that we have the oportunity to attend school and we should try to take as much advantage of it as we can.

    Great topic to discuss.
    Loved it!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:30 PM, June 12, 2006  

  • Thanks for putting together a great topic and for having such excellent panelists! I have been searching the web to try to find podcasts featuring students talking about "big issue" topics. I hope to share tidbits from a variety of your discussions (including 15: Education) with the students I am working with in Sri Lanka to engender & inspire our own discussions. I think this will be particularly useful at a girls high school where I am working with 12th graders who have excellent English skills, but need to be encouraged to use their English in discussion and dialog settings. As a teacher, I am fascinated and excited about the potential of podcast discussions as tools for working on students' speaking skills (both the act of producing a podcast and/or listening and reflecting to a podcast). In this particular podcast, I really enjoyed the small moments of clarity when the panelists successfully figured out the correct word/phrase/expression to use in explaining an opinion or statement. Thanks again for all your hard work---- it is much appreciated across the globe in Kandy, Sri Lanka!

    By Blogger Chris Sussman, at 11:12 AM, April 20, 2007  

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