EnglishMeeting.com Discussion Podcasts

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Discussion Podcast 14: Plastic Surgery & Fashion

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When is it appropriate to have plastic surgery? Should it be kept secret? Is it acceptable to change your looks to marry a rich spouse or get acting and modeling jobs? Will it improve self-esteem? How much is too much? More and more people are traveling to countries, like Korea, to have plastic surgery performed at a lower price than in America, but is it safe? Fashion is discussed as well.

Omar, Dayanis, Amalya, Jihyun, Esther, & Dave have fun dishing out their opinions as well as discussing some personal experiences. Perspectives from Mexico, Armenia, Korea, & America.

Discussion Podcast 13: Death Penalty

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Is the death penalty fair punishment for murder? How is capital punishment used in other countries? Is it our right as humans, to decide when another person's life should end, or is that a matter for a higher power? Can prison be risky? Is prison more punishment than death?

A very serious matter discussed and examined by our international cadre. Jihyun, Arman, Christy, Esther, Chris, & Dave illuminate a very dark issue with perspectives from France, Korea, Iran, & America.