EnglishMeeting.com Discussion Podcasts

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Discussion Podcast 16: The Environment

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Does the environment belong to humans? Do people in developed countries care much how their lifestyle affects the environment? Are we recycling? Do we REALLY know how our trash is being dealt with or are we just guessing? Are we connected or narcissistic? This often inconvenient but critical topic is examined by our international cadre.

Esther, Arman, Jihyun, Christopher, Christy, & Dave provide viewpoints from Korea, France, Iran, & America.
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Discussion Podcast 15: Education

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Perspectives on Education. Is it a right or a privilege? How much is it worth? Why is it so important? Does it go beyond a career? What are we willing to sacrifice for it?

Enjie, Arman, Christy, & Dave address the importance of education with perspectives from El Salvador, Iran, Korea, & America.